Keeping your accounting records up to date all year long is essential for any business so you can see exactly where your business stands and be able to make thoughtful decisions based on clean numbers. At year-end, there are a few extra accounting tasks to finish so
Read more →Are you behind on filing your federal income tax return or paying your federal IRS taxes in the last year or more? If so, you’re not alone. More than 22 million taxpayers in the U.S. have either failed to file a tax return or are behind in
Read more →Both the IRS and Treasury have announced that the deadline to file AND pay your individual federal income tax for the tax year of 2019 has been extended to July 15, 2020. Many states have extended their deadlines as well: The State of Texas has no income
Read more →You might wonder why there are so many extra tasks at year-end. While the government requires much of the work, there is clean-up work and adjustments that need to be done to make the books accurate. It’s not always cost-effective to perform all of these updates monthly,
Read more →Tax time is probably not your favorite time of year, especially if you have to pay the government your hard-earned dollars. Here are five tips on how we can make it just a bit less painful. 1. Have patience. Practicing patience will go a long way when
Read more →Year-end is just around the corner, and that means a couple of administrative tasks are necessary to take care of bookkeeping and tax chores. Here are a couple of tips to make year-end go smoother. Cleaning up Things will go a lot smoother if you reach out
Read more →It’s always a huge relief to many people who get their taxes done early. That gray cloud of stress that nags at you to get it over with can be gone in a matter of weeks instead of months. April is right around the corner, and here
Read more →Sales tax laws are constantly changing, and sales tax audits have increased since states and local agencies have become creative about finding new ways to generate revenues. If you haven’t made any changes in your sales tax procedures in a while, you are probably at risk. Taxability
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